Joshua 5:15 NIV
The commander of the Lord’s army replied, “Take off your sandals, for the place where you are standing is holy.” And Joshua did so.

Camped outside Jericho, the presence of God through his commander made that place holy. With the Spirit dwelling in us there is a sense that everywhere we go, every situation we face and every moment is holy for God is always there. How will that affect how you live and approach the day today?

This is the place
Where dreams are found,
Where vision comes,
Called holy ground.
Holy ground,
I’m standing on holy ground,
For the Lord my God
Is here with me.
Your fire burns
But never dies;
I realise
This is holy ground.
The Great I AM,
Revealed to man;
Take off your shoes,
This is holy ground.

(Dave Bilbrough)